Welcome to Dr. K. Sohail’s Website
Dr. K. Sohail, an author, a humanist and a psychotherapist has been sharing his humanist philosophy in his writings and his lectures for the last three decades. He has been working towards integrating the wisdom of the East and the West. He hopes that one day we can all grow to the next stage of human evolution and create a peaceful world together. He has delivered his professional and literary creations to a vast number of audiences at local, provincial, national and international workshops, seminars and conferences for a number of years.

Psychology Of Religious Conversion Of Celebrities
JUNAID JAMSHED DIES When Junaid Jamshed died in a plane crash with his second wife Neha and more than forty other passengers in December 2016, there was a long list of mourners. Some belonged to the artistic community who admired him as a pop singer. Some belonged to...
INTERVIEWED BY KHALID SOHAIL SEPTEMBER 2016 1. How old were you when you first realized you had an artist hidden inside you? A. I don’t quite remember my age when I first began expressing myself. I always loved dance and Ammi often had me dancing on her writing table...
Reflection on my 64th birthday
While I was celebrating my 64th birthday with my family and close friends and receiving affectionate birthday greetings on face book from all over the world, I was thinking, ‘’How lucky I am ! ’. After the celebration when I ask myself, “What do I owe to my family,...
OFFERING NEW HOPE - PSYCHOTHERAPY WITH PEOPLE WITH PERSONALITY DISORDERS DR.K.SOHAIL - 2016 ‘Working with people with personality disorders has been one of the most challenging but also one of the most rewarding experiences of my professional life.’ Sohail CONTENTS...
Mother Earth Is Calling
O my children ! O my dear children! O my seven billion children ! You are hurting You are in pain You are suffering It breaks my heart to see you suffer All of you are my children Whether you are from the North or the South from the East or the West Whether you are...
Human Psyche: Soul or Mind?
There was a time in history when human psyche was believed to be a soul. Religious people believed that soul was independent and existed prior to the existence of the body. It entered human fetus at certain stage of development, stayed in the body throughout life and...
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FOTH organised Review of two Dr. Sohail’s books.
On July 9, 2017 FOTH organised Review of two books. First book was Words, Words and Words jointly authored by Dr. Khalid Sohail and Sain Sucha. The second book was The Seeker authored by Dr.Khalid Sohail. Also Dr. Khalid Sohail's portrait painted by world renowned...
New Book ‘Creative Minority Dreams and Dilemmas’ is out!
Dr. Sohail's new book 'Creative Minority Dreams and Dilemmas' is now out. Please visit the following link: https://www.amazon.com/Creative-Minority-Dreams-Dilemmas-Sohail-ebook/dp/B01LZES4MT "To give a fair chance to potential creativity is a matter of life and death...
Dr Sohail’s pictures in An event by Family of the Hearts and Writers Forum album.
An event by Family of the Hearts and Writers Forum An event was organized by FOTH and WF to welcome Arif Waqar and Mujaid Eshai in Toronto to share their ideas and creations.The event tool place at the Mississauha Valley Community Center on Sunday, June 12, 2016...
BECOMING A PSYCHOTHERAPIST: Different schools of human psychology and psychotherapy " Dear John..... You asked me what I consider essential personal qualities in a future psychoanalyst. The answer is comparatively simple. If you want to be a real psychoanalyst you...
THEISM, ATHEISM, HUMANISM KHALID. SOHAIL INTERVIEWED BY BALAND IQBAL FOR RAWAL TV TORONTO CANADA BALAND: Mansoor Hallaj, the mystic poet, claimed an al haq, [ I am creative truth. I am God]. Gandhi Ji stated that, there is no religion of God. Ladies and Gentlemen!...
Launch of Dr. Sohail’s Amazon Store
We are happy to announce that our Dr. Sohail's Amazon page is now up and running. Please visit the following link to shop and explore. Amazon Store: http://www.amazon.com/Dr.-Khalid-Sohail/e/B01BKYPQ4Y?ref_=pe_1724030_132998060
CREATIVITY, SPIRITUALITY, LOVE Dr Khalid Sohail …………………………….. (1) ………………………………….. Human beings are born free. They express their freedom in their...
BY ANNE HENDERSON PRESENTED IN FAMILY OF THE HEART SEMINAR TORONTO DECEMBER 15 2013 Thank-you for having me here today to share a unique perspective on Sohail and his writing. You all know he is a psychiatrist and a writer; I have worked with him as a psychiatrist and...
532: Dr. Sohail’s Relentless Search for Peace
Dr. Sohail’s Relentless Search for Peace By Dr. Sehdev Kumar Dr. Khalid Sohail’s book, From Holy War to Global Peace, is a collection of deeply-felt reflections on suicide bombers, guerrilla warriors and peacemakers. As a young man growing up in Pakistan in 1960s, Dr....
729: An Encounter with Green Zone Living
Witnessing the Unfolding of a Creative Technique in Psychotherapy: from Breakdowns to Breakthroughs By Mutaal Mooquin A few decades from now, no book about psychotherapy techniques will be complete without including information about Green Zone Living, a technique...
730: Crux of the problem
ARIF WAQAR’S REVIEW OF THE BOOK…FROM HOLY WAR TO GLOBAL PEACE Crux of the problem Arif Waqar January 4, 2015 Dr Khalid Sohail deals with suicide bombings and historical causes of Muslim degeneration and celebrates political leaders of exceptional stature in his new...
FARZANA HASSAN’S REVIEW Of FROM HOLY WAR TO GLOBAL PEACE 2014 Dr Khalid Sohail’s book, From Holy War to Global Peace published by Multiline Publications Lahore, is a timely and effective addressal of much of the politics of the world today. It includes an incisive...